Over the past few months, I have tested dozens of AI tools. Believe me, I became a real enthusiast, and I discovered ...

You have an old black and white photo and you are looking for a solution to enlarge it and restore its ...

Have you seen these almost real characters on Instagram or TikTok? Are you wondering how this is possible? And ...

ChatGPT just got even better with the addition of GPTs. Indeed, these small additions give it lots of new features. ...

You come across a strange photo of a celebrity and wonder: is it real? With the advent of generators ...

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized our perception and use of the human voice. Indeed, machines are now capable ...

Whether you're looking for a chatbot to help you write content, translate languages, or ...

Finding a person using their photo, rather than their name, may seem like something out of a science fiction book. However, it is ...

Today, AI is part of our daily lives and there are a lot of things that it didn't yet know ...

In today's world, learning online is easy and fun. Thanks to digital tools, we can read books, ...

If you're like me, you've probably used Siri, Apple's voice assistant. However, despite the improvements made to the ...

The arrival of the Coronavirus a few years ago has completely changed our habits on several points. Mon ...

Do you ever listen to a song and be so bothered by the vocal track that you want to delete it? He ...

If you don't know this term yet, Deepfake is a new technology that allows you to create fake videos ...

Ah photos, since their invention, it has become a privileged way to forge memories. We all know it, ...

Go recognize it! You must have tried more than once to pass yourself off as someone else during a prank call. ...