10 AI Tools You Won't Believe Are Free

In recent months, I have tested dozens ofAI tools. Believe me, I became a real enthusiast, and I discovered incredible things!

After hours of experimentation, I have selected 10 extraordinary AI tools that are, get this, totally free ! Yes, you read that right, with no hidden fees.

In this article, I'm going to share these amazing finds with you and show you everything you can achieve with them, without spending a dime.

1) Google Earth Studio

The first tool that I want to present to you is Google Earth Studio. It's one of those tools that's just really fun to use. Imagine being able to choose any location on the planet and be able to zoom in or navigate between different locations. Google Earth Studio makes it possible, and it does it with style. You can use presets to make these movements quickly or go into detail to precisely control movement speed and viewing angles.

What's great about Google Earth Studio is that it's very accessible and easy to learn. If you want to try out more complex camera movements, there are plenty of tutorials available on YouTube that can help you.

It is also an excellent tool for experimenting with NeRFs (Neural Radiance Fields). Indeed, I started my tests by combining these technologies, and even if I haven't perfected everything yet, I think the potential is enormous.

Try Google Earth Studio

2) Perplexity

The second tool I love to use is called Perplexity, and I use it all the time! It's a bit like a improved version of ChatGPT. You can ask him all kinds of questions, and he will answer you super quickly by searching for information on the web. It searches lots of different sources and gives you clear and precise answers.

The cool thing is that it shows you where the news is coming from. So, you can click to read the full articles if you want to know more. He responds so quickly and can even give you info from ten different places in one response. If you're on your computer, it can also show you images and lets you upload PDF documents to ask questions on them.

There is a paid version of Perplexity, but honestly, the free version is so good that I never felt the need to pay. I mainly use theapp on my phone, and I find myself using it more often than Google when I have questions.

Try Perplexity

3) Suno

The third tool I want to introduce to you is Suno, a fantastic tool for all music lovers. With Suno you can create songs personalized in a few simple steps.

Here's how it works:

  • First, log in to the platform where Suno is hosted.
  • Then activate the Custom Fashion. This mode allows you to completely personalize your musical experience.
  • You have two options here. You can either enter your own lyrics or just write a general topic and let artificial intelligence, like ChatGPT, generate lyrics for you.
  • Finally, then describe the genre or style of music you prefer for your song. Suno will adjust the composition to fit the style you described.

The free version of Suno gives you access to 10 creations per day, which is perfect for those who just want to have fun or test their musical creativity without commitment.

Try Suno

4) MusicGen

The next one is in the same area but completely free and open source. It was published by Meta, his name is Music Gen.

It's perfect for generating music from all genres, but this time without lyrics, which is pretty cool if you just want some background music or for your projects.

Usage is super simple with an interface called Waveformer. You just tell the tool what you want in terms of genre, instruments, tempo, and mood, click submit, and presto, in a minute or two, you have a song that sounds really good.

If you want to add a personal touch with a melody you like, there is an option on a site called hugging face. There, you can upload a file with your melody, describe how you want the music to sound, and MusicGen takes over to mix it all together and give you a unique song.

Visit MusicGen

5) SciSpace

scispace is an awesome tool especially if you are curious about science or studying and need to understand research articles. Think of it as an assistant that helps you navigate the sometimes complicated world of scientific research.

Here's how it works: you simply ask a question, and SciSpace shows you the five most relevant articles with a short summary and a link to read them. And if you need more, there are plenty of other articles below to dig even deeper.

If you have trouble understanding something in the articles, don't worry! SciSpace lets you chat with a virtual co-pilot who can help you decipher complicated information. You can even download a PDF of an article to get a quick summary or ask questions directly on it.

Access Scipace

6) textFX

This latest music tool is a really cool sequel especially if you love music and writing lyrics.

Developed by Google in collaboration with the famous rapper Lupe Fiasco, TextFX brings an innovative and collaborative touch to lyrical creation.

TextFX isn't just an automatic writing tool; he really gets involved with the artist to turn any word into a multitude of creative possibilities, much like Lupe Fiasco himself does in his songs.

The great thing is that it's all free and very easy to use, making it super accessible for anyone who wants to experiment with words and music.

Try textFX

7) LeiaPix

Now let's move on to the more visual side of things. Probably the easiest way to animate an image is with LeiaPix.

Go to convert.leiapix.com, click download and as simple as that you have an immersive depth animation. There are sliders to change the duration of the animation cycle and the way it animates, also an advanced editor where you can get more customization.

Next, simply select your export format. It's super easy but I love how these animations render.

You get 100 credits when you sign up, but exporting at full resolution costs 20 credits, so it's really only 5 uses.

Here is the result with an image that I created with Midjourney then I uploaded it to LeiaPix:

Try Leiapix

8) Pika art

Let's move on to Pika art, This tool allows you to create videos from texts, existing images or videos. It offers features for setting up scenes, editing content, adding sound effects, and expanding or extending videos.

It's amazing that it's still 100% free. Indeed, I'm sure at some point they will move to a paid model, but it's been free for months and still is currently.

Here's what I was able to create with Pika Art in just a few seconds:

Visit Pika

9) Replicate

Replicate has been incredibly useful for me, especially for upscaling and restoring my images.

Unlike other upscalers that are often limited, Replicate offers a broad suite of features, including “ Super Resolution » for upscaling. In fact, it offers numerous models for varied needs, increasing the resolution up to 4 times.

I also use the restoration tools to refresh my old images, colorize black and white photos and improve photos taken at night. The deblurring is particularly impressive.

Access Replicate

10) Playground AI

Let's end our list with AI image generator de Playground, a simple and fun tool that uses artificial intelligence to bring your ideas to life. Type a description, and the tool creates a unique image.

It's the ideal tool for those who want to explore their visual creativity, without the need for graphic design skills.

Visit Playground

There you go, my list ends here. I hope you found these digital tools AI as amazing and accessible as I found them. Each of these tools, offered free of charge, opens doors to creative and innovative possibilities.

In my personal experience, I've been amazed at how easy it is to take on ambitious projects without spending a dime. It’s truly a great time for anyone with a thirst for discovery and innovation. So, don’t hesitate to experiment with these free tools and see where your creativity can take you!