How to clear cache on Android (and when you should)?

clear cache android 1
clear cache android 1

Last updated: December 31, 2022

Finding yourself running out of space on your smartphone is an unpleasant feeling, and yet many of us have already experienced it; especially with the current use we make of our smartphones and the applications that are becoming increasingly cumbersome.

When your smartphone has insufficient storage space for your use, it can be frustrating not to have enough space to use your applications. Clear the cache of your different applications is a short-term solution that allows you to gain storage memory.

In this article, we explain what is cache Android, how to empty it and when you should do it.

What is cache on Android ?

The cache on Android includes stored information related to the use of your various applications. This cache memory stores temporary data files to allow applications to work properly and for you to have a smooth user experience.

For example, when you open theSnapchat app or Facebook, the videos and images of your friends that you watch the story are saved in your cache so that you don't have to download them again when you want to see them again on your application and they are even pre-loaded to have an "infinite thread" impression, for example.

Each application has its own cache memory, an application cannot use the cache memory of another application. The cache memory also contains photos or videos that have been deleted by mistake and that you can recover if you wish. Applications sometimes tend to delete cache files when they deem these files unnecessary.

The cache is also used by desktop browsers and some software. One of its strengths is being able to provide the user with a fluid experience and limit data consumption on the network.

Why clear your cache Android ?

Clear your memory cache offers many advantages to the device as well Android only to its user. Although some applications automatically delete cache files after a certain time, it is important to sometimes remember to manually delete these files on your smartphone Android.

Here is 5 good reasons to clear your app cache :

Save storage space on your smartphone

The phones Android sometimes lack internal storage memory and to solve this problem you need to equip them with an external SD storage memory card to benefit more.
Clearing your phone's cache is another alternative that you allows free up storage space on your smartphone.

However, this solution is temporary, because the cache files come back very often when you use your applications.

However, be careful not to do it too often in order to maintain nominal operation of your applications.

Improve the performance of your applications

When you notice that apps installed on your phone start to run slowly or have other performance issues, close on their own; Clearing old cache files can be a solution to these issues.

This can be a simple step before having to uninstall and then reinstall the application for example.

Make your phone work better

When a phone's memory is full it runs slowly and cannot receive any other files or applications. Clearing an app's cache will free up space and allow your phone to work properly.

Protect your personal information

Files dropped in your cache can pose threats to the security and privacy of your personal information. Web pages that are cached in your browser may contain sensitive information.

Regularly clear your phone's cache files to prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to your personal information.

Update your system

Emptying the cache allows you to force your browser or an application to update it.

How to clear the cache on a smartphone Android ?

If you are using new versions ofAndroid, you need eliminate cache files for each application individually. It is often not necessary to delete all the cache on your smartphone.

Here are the steps to follow to clear your apps cache on Android :

NB : these steps are valid for the version Android 12, menu names may vary depending on the version of theAndroid that you use.
  • First, go to the Settings on your device and press Storage.
  • You will see a page appear on which you will find Applications. The menu Applications contains the list of all applications installed on your smartphone.
  • Select the app whose cache you want to clear.
  • Then go to the menu at the top three points located on the right of your screen and press Sort by size.
  • On the app's details page, click the tab Clear Cache.

There, you just clear your application cache Android. However, you must remain vigilant when pressing Clear cache, because you will find right next to this menu the option Clear storage. If you accidentally press this last option, you will delete all data related to the application.

What can you expect after clearing the cache Android ?

When you finish deleting your cached files, you gain storage space and find a normal running. Sometimes it happens that some apps run slower next time, which is normal.

When you clear the cache of an application it reappears, this is completely normal because depending on your use the applications will replenish the cache.

Clearing the cache of your applications does not cause major complications, you will continue to use your applications normally without losing the data you have saved on your device.

When should you clear the cache on Android ?

It is not necessary to clear the cache of your applications too regularly. This turns out to be counterproductive. Cached files are used to improve access to the content of your applications or your browser. This is why you should avoid deleting cached files.

As we said above, the system Android has a built-in system that automatically deletes unused files in your cache so you no longer need to do it manually every day.

Can we use cache cleaning applications Android ?

If you have read this article and understood how to clear an app's cache Android, you will no longer need to download a cleaner app.

Although these cleaning apps provide a useful service, they are mostly unreliable and take up more space on your phone memory. However, they may offer you some additional features that may be of interest to you.

Be aware that if you have more and more recourse to manual cleaning of your smartphone's cache, it is likely that it will surely be time to replace it with a model with more memory, or do a big cleaning of your photo gallery or applications that we do not use.