3 simple tips to detect spy cameras

3 simple techniques to detect spy cameras
3 simple techniques to detect spy cameras

Today anyone can buy a spy camera on a Chinese site and film you without your knowledge. So if you care about your privacy and spy cameras are stressing you out, here are some simple technique and practical for  detect spy camera.

From now on when you travel, you will be able to inspect your hotel room, meeting room, rental apartment, locker room, shower, etc. You will also be able to inspect your office, your business and your personal privacy in general...

Cameras designed for covert surveillance are almost impossible to see with the naked eye. However, there are two main ways to detect them:

  • the light
  • radio frequencies.

Radio frequency detection can be more precise, but because so many things transmit frequency signals, it is difficult for the average person to use it to find a spy camera, so the light is easier for most people.

You should know that the special lenses used in hidden cameras reflect light. They create small reflections that usually stand out from the background.

Detect hidden cameras with your Samrtphone

There are several apps on the market that allow you to detect hidden cameras simply by using your smartphone's camera.

For iPhone users, there is the application Hidden Camera Detector. It costs $ 4,99.

For users Android, you can try a free app called Glint finder. When I tested it, the results just weren't up to par.

Like Hidden Camera Detector, Glint Finder uses camera flash retro-reflection to allow the user to better identify shiny objects in the camera's field of view.

Both applications use the same principle as the tools used by professionals to help seek and find the glow emitted by the spy camera. The problem with these apps is that they require you to be quite close to the hidden device.

Search for spy cameras manually

The best way to detect spy camera is from visually locate. To do this, get an empty toilet paper roll and a flashlight.

Turn off the lights. Look with one eye through the tube as through a telescope and close the other eye. As you explore with a flashlight, watch out for any glow that comes back to you.

Just like with apps, you need to move slowly and look very closely at each area you're examining, but you can also do this from a greater distance.

With this method, I was able to find all the spy cameras in my test room.

Use a hidden camera detector

If you want to invest a little money, you can treat yourself to the SpyFinder at 80 dollars. It's a little gadget that can detect if a camera is near its user.

This 11,4 x 3,8 x 1,9 cm device can detect working cameras by looking through its viewfinder. When a user scans a room while looking through the viewfinder, the cameras reflect the lights from the LEDs and appear.

Now you know how to detect a spy camera. It's your turn to experiment. And if you find something, notify the authorities. Do not move or disable the spy camera.