Qwant, the 100% French search engine


You have undoubtedly already heard of DuckDuckGo, its search engine, which wages war on tracking and offers search results while respecting your privacy. But unfortunately it uses Google APIs: your searches and personal data are safe, but the results are the same as if you used Google with the “in-house highlights” that we know. So you end up with links sorted by Mountain View.

In the previous articles, we have seen what google knows about you and how to limit its intrusions into your private life, but why not do without it altogether?

If you are looking for a French alternative to the Google search engine, then Qwant is made for you. Qwant is a French search engine created launched in final version on July 4, 2013 which announces not to track its users, to guarantee privacy, and which aims to be neutral in the display of results.

The engine's incursions into your computer are limited to a session cookie allowing you to find your browsing preferences on the next connection, Qwant does not memorize your searches, does not search your history and does not offer you sponsored links or links. salespeople at every search.

The engine lives on the products you buy through it, but it won't bombard you with lousy links every time you use it. What may shock users used to Google's clean interface is the quantity of elements that appear on the screen during a search. It is certainly possible to clean up, but during your first search, you will have images and videos at the top, links on the left, news and Wikipedia in the middle, results from social networks on the right and the bottom. everything on one page.


Unlike Google, if Qwant thinks the results are not relevant, it will not display them. Do you often look at page number 2 of Google? Me neither…

In addition to all this, Qwant also offers those who wish to create “notebooks” to personalize your interface and add elements by theme. Useful for classifying results on a particular subject and resuming a past search.

As for the quality of the results, I was surprised. Whether simple, clumsy queries (“How to open a script in Linux”) or with inclusions/exclusions, the engine responds without problem.