The Dangers of Cloud Computing: What You Need to Know

cloud hazards
cloud hazards

Last updated: February 20, 2023

Le cloud is a computer technology that allows access to resources and services remotely via the Internet, without the need to store locally on own computer. This technology has been used by the general public for a long time, without even realizing it, through services such as gmail, Yahoo and others.

It has also gained popularity with companies looking to improve their operational efficiency and agility. While this technology has tremendous benefits, it also comes with significant data security and privacy risks.

In this article, we will examine the different points of vulnerability of the cloud computing in order to better understand the risks involved and adopt best practices to protect sensitive data.

Risk of data loss/leaks

First, cloud computing increases the risk of data loss. Indeed, a simple accidental deletion or closing of the service can block access to important documents. The Megaupload affair clearly illustrates the dangers of this technology.

It is important to note that some cloud computing providers offer automatic backup solutions to minimize this risk. However, users should be careful when choosing a cloud provider and ensure that their data is backed up securely.

Risk of hacking and data theft

Second, cloud computing has made it easier for hackers to gain access to sensitive data. Previously, they had to break into corporate networks or personal computers.

Today, if a hacker manages to obtain a user's authentication credentials, he can easily manipulate his data, spy on his activities, its transactions and even redirect its customers to illegitimate sites by returning false information. Common hacking techniques include fishing phishing,malware attack,identity theft et brute force passwords.

To minimize this risk, users should adopt effective security practices, such as creating strong and complex passwords,two-factor authentication and regularly updating security software. Companies also need to have strong security protocols in place and educate their employees on proper security practices.

Privacy: with the cloud, nothing belongs to you

Cloud computing can result in a loss of direct control over data. Businesses and individuals who store their data on third-party servers may find themselves in a situation where their cloud computing provider uses their data for purposes not provided for in the contract, such as marketing or file rental. A concrete example of this is the Dropbox case, where the encryption key was also known to the cloud computing provider.

Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple with Steve Jobs, said: “It really bothers me that everything is going to the cloud, I think it's going to be terrible. I think there are going to be horrible problems in the next five years.” He also said “ With the cloud, nothing belongs to you. I like knowing that things are mine. Many say 'Oh! It's in my computer!', but the more we transfer to the cloud, the less control we keep »

To minimize this risk, users should check the terms of service and privacy policies of their cloud computing provider. They should also use encryption methods to protect their sensitive data.

Collaboration with justice

Finally, cloud computing architecture must not prevent to respond to court orders, whether for tax or legal reasons.

Indeed, the data localization in several countries implies the submission to the different legislations of the countries in which the data centers are located, which can compromise the confidentiality of the data.

American laws allow the government to inspect any data located on its territory as part of its fight against terrorism.

Users can minimize this risk by choosing cloud providers that store their data in countries with stricter privacy laws. They can also use encryption services that protect their data from government inspections.


Cloud computing is a technology that offers many benefits, but also comes with significant data security and privacy risks.

To better protect their data, users should be aware of these risks and take necessary precautions, such as choosing a reliable cloud computing provider and implementing an effective backup strategy.