How to defrag Windows 10 ?

defragment hard drive windows 10
defragment hard drive windows 10

La defragmenting a hard drive Windows 10 consists of grouping together file fragments scattered on the disk in order to optimize hard disk access times when reading large files.
Before partition a disk on, it is important to defragment it to maximize free space.
The defragmentation process under Windows is very simple. An essential maintenance operation, which I will explain to you.

defragment Windows

Windows 10 just like previous versions of the OS, it includes a hard drive defragmentation tool. It is very simple to use:

  • Under Windows 10, start typing the word “ defrag »In the search bar Windows and click on the result Defragment and optimize drives

  • Choose the drive to defragment
  • Click on Analyze

If after the analysis you read the message " Needs to be optimized "in the column Current state, Click on the button Optimize their campaigns, to start defragmentation of the hard drive Windows 10.

And There you go ! You have just learned how to defragment a hard drive under Windows 10.

Defrag your hard drive Windows 10 in command line

If you're a geek and want to defrag your hard drive using Command Prompt, here's how to do it.

  • Under  Windows 10, open Command Prompt in administrator mode. To do this, type CMD in the search bar, right-click on the application icon and open it as administrator.
  • Type the following command:
Defrag C: / U / V
  • Replace the letter C with the letter of the disk you want to defragment.

Depending on the size of your hard drive and its fragmentation state, the operation may take several minutes.