How do you stop people from adding you to groups on Facebook?

You have probably already experienced the situation we are about to tell you about. While you were quietly on Facebook, you received a notification of adding to a Facebook group from someone you don't know.

In fact, it's a bit spam method fashionable at the moment and more and more people are looking for a way toavoid these untimely invitations.

In this article, we will see the means offered by Facebook to prevent people from adding you to groups on Facebook

Can't stop people from adding you to Facebook groups

For many, many years, the preferred method of spamming was this. You received a friend request from someone as generic as possible and if you were unfortunate enough to accept, they would start wanting to rip you off most of the time.

But over the years, these methods have evolved and people have especially started to be wary of these friend requests that arrive out of nowhere. So, scammers and other internet thugs began to adapt with new techniques.

At the moment, what hits the nail on the head are invitations to discussion groups. you've probably had them before and they all take almost the same form. These are groups with dozens of people and the scammer sends the first message, often with a link to their scam.

Except that we can understand that after a while, receiving this kind of notification annoys you. Well, the bad news is that right now, it is not possible to block these invitations !

An upcoming option to prevent friends from adding you to Facebook groups

Indeed, it is simply a safe bet that Facebook did not necessarily foresee that this type of abuse could take place on its platform and at present, there is no option allowing you to avoid these invitations.

So, they abound and for the moment, there is no way to miss them. However, it could be that in the coming weeks, the situation will change with a new update from Facebook.

Indeed, the complaints are numerous and it is a safe bet that on the Meta side, we are starting to take this seriously and that we are quickly developing a checkable option to put an end to this problem. But in the meantime, there is no real choice, we have to use other means to try to limit as much as possible these spams which are more and more invasive.

Immediately leave the Facebook group and prevent re-invitation

For the rest of this article, we will distinguish two types of conversations of this type which can be spam. here, we will focus on bots that automatically invite you and that you don't know about at all.

In this case, there is not much to do. Indeed, don't try to reason with them or anything, it will be useless. No, the only thing you can do is make sure leave this group to not get notifications.

To do this, when you receive the invitation immediately click no. Once this is done, you will have an option that allows you to no longer be invited to this group at all, so you will have at least gotten rid of one of them.

On the other hand, as you can imagine, this will require you to repeat the same operation over and over again, which can clearly be tedious. But as we told you earlier, while waiting for Méta to react, there are not 50 solutions to avoid this inconvenience.

Block spam accounts from Facebook groups

We do not recommend this solution as such for good reason: it is, to say the least, definitive. In fact, what we advise you to do is to block anyone who spams you.

This person will then no longer be able to find you on Facebook and from there, it will be impossible for them to invite you to groups again. Besides, you can also block the bots that invite you that we told you about a little earlier.

This is currently the only way to be sure that you will never receive an invitation from these people again. It's a bit definitive as a means, but while waiting for something better, we unfortunately have to make do with it.


There you go, now you know how to stop being bothered by these invitations to Facebook groups or at least make these invitations so they bother you less.

As we told you, for the moment, there is unfortunately no real solution put in place by Facebook and this is understandable, the problem being rather recent. However, we can count on them to have a reaction.

Therefore, when it arrives, it is with joy that we will update this article to offer you a solution allowing you to no longer be bothered by these requests that pollute your daily life.