Who is viewing my WhatsApp profile?

find out who is viewing whatsapp profile

Dernière mise à jour: 24 mai 2024

WhatsApp has always been the benchmark for instant messaging. WhatsApp is different now than it was some time ago. Especially after Facebook bought WhatsApp, we have seen several changes in the application.

WhatsApp now allows you to hide the time of your last connection; It introduced a new feature that allows you to know if the recipient has read your message or not. It now lets you make calls to your friends and other changes that can improve your user experience.

If you want find out who has viewed your WhatsApp profile, which secretly sees your profile picture or WhatsApp status, this little guide is for you.

Know who is viewing your WhatsApp profile with an app

You should know that the WhatsApp application does not support this feature. The team is unwilling to add it as it infringes on user privacy.

OK. But if WhatsApp does not offer a tool to find out who's looking at my whatsapp profile, what about independent applications that promise to provide this service?

Some developers offer apps that would be able to do this. But the truth is, they randomly give names based on online timing. They are all wrong.

So don't be fooled by these applications, they will only seek to collect your information private! Some of them are just trying to sell you ads. Others, on the other hand, can install viruses on your mobile in order to steal private information.

Social engineering to know who is viewing your WhatsApp profile

No doubt there is no way to check who is visiting your whatsapp profile ! But there is a tip that might help. This trick plays on the psychology of the person to make him react:

  • First delete your profile picture and delete your status as well.
  • Those who are really interested in your profile will check if they are blocked or not.
  • All the people who contact you asking you Why is there no profile photo? could be those who look at your whatsapp profile.

Know who is viewing your WhatsApp profile through the statuses

WhatsApp introduced a feature a while ago WhatsApp status. In this you can share updates with text, photos, videos and GIF which disappear after 24 hours.

Here, WhatsApp gives you the opportunity to know who viewed your WhatsApp status thanks to an often overlooked feature:

  • First click on Status  (on a iPhone, this icon is located in the lower left corner of the screen. On Android, the icon is at the top of the screen near DISC.)
  • Clicking on My statuses, you will see all your recent news feed updates. Next to each status, an eye icon tells you how many people have viewed it.

This way you will be able to see the number of people who have seen your WhatsApp status. Who knows, maybe you'll see your secret admirer in the list?