5 tips to avoid computer dangers

5 tips to avoid computer dangers
5 tips to avoid computer dangers

Computers have been part of our daily lives for several years. We use it at work and at home. Yes, the computer is very present in our lives.

If you too work all day behind your computer then here are some tips to live in perfect harmony with it and limit the damage.

By putting these few tips into practice, you will feel better in front of your PC and your work will be more efficient.

  • Do not spend long hours in a row in front of the screen without resting. This, just like when you take a long road trip: take a break every two hours to relax.

sit-in-front-pc exercises

  • Sight is important. To date, the computer has not been found to cause any problems. It can, however, reveal latent disorders, if any exist. They would have gone unnoticed without the visual constraint it imposes. Again, view the screen from a suitable distance, especially not too close.
  •  Take your eyes off the screen from time to time and look elsewhere. It seems that the eye spontaneously adjusts to a resting distance other than its distance from the screen. It would then be the constant obligation to return to the screen which would cause fatigue, according to a recent theory.


  • Beware of wrist cramp, comparable to tennis players' elbow problems. If you have little training and type for too long on the keyboard with a strained forearm and hand position, you will suffer from inflammation of the wrist or hand. Generally, an anti-inflammatory ointment, like those used by athletes, helps.
  • Do not let your children, especially the youngest, play for long hours in a row on the screen. Certain games, with strong and rapid variations of light, can trigger latent crises which would also have remained without this revealing.