Here I will present you a list of software and tools that are used by pentesters. Tools allowing ...

Every computer one day becomes the victim of a hacker or a virus distributed on a large scale. This is why it is necessary ...

The most valuable thing is the data you create and store on the internet or on your devices. If they ...

The BIOS (Basic Input Output System) is a set of functions, contained in the read only memory (ROM) of the motherboard ...

We have already talked in previous tutorials about the upload flaw and the XSS flaw. Today I am going to present to you ...

There is a very simple method to implement to protect a folder on a computer under Windows 10, ...

Brute force attack is a very basic attack, contrary to what one might think, it has become very ...

In previous articles, I have already told you about ransomware, this malware that takes your data hostage. ...

Are you looking for a solution to avoid having your Facebook account hacked? Here are some tips ...

Phishing is a tampering technique used by hackers to steal your sensitive information such as ...

If we are to believe the caricatured portrait painted by the media, the hacker is a highly intelligent and desocialized being who ...