Unblock someone on Facebook iPhone and Android ?

unlock someone iphone android Facebook
unlock someone iphone android Facebook

Last updated: September 4, 2023

Block a contact on the social network Facebook is a great way to defend against online abuse Cyber ​​harassment or even Facebook hacking.

Most of you know how to block someone on facebook. You just need to access the person's profile, at the bottom left there is " Report or block this person“. Check “Block” in the window that appears. And that’s it, the person won’t be able to bother you anymore.

But what if you change your mind? Maybe you meet this person and they make up for it. Know that it is possible to easily go back and unblock this contact.

Here I show you how to unblock someone on Facebook for iPhone then on Facebook for Android.

How to unblock someone on Facebook iPhone?

For unblock a person on Facebook for iPhone, follow these simple step-by-step instructions:

  • Launch the application Facebook on your iPhone.
  • Click on the Menu button (3 horizontal lines) at the bottom right.
  • Press the heading Settings and privacy.

  • Then press Settings. 
  • Then scroll down the page a little and select the option Blockages.

  • Finally choose the person you want to unblock and click on the button unblock.

How to unblock someone on Facebook Android ?

The method for unblock a Facebook contact on Android is practically the same except for a few small details.

  • Open the Facebook application on your mobile Android.
  • Click on the Menu button (3 horizontal lines) at the top right.
  • Choose  Settings and privacy and Parameters.
  • Then in the left section, tap Blocking.

  • From there you can unblock your contacts by pressing the key next to their names.
  • Finally click on To confirm.

When you unblock someone, you need to keep in mind that they will be able to find you, contact you, and message you again. More importantly, you will have to wait 48 hours before you can block it again.