ReplyASAP: force your spouse to answer your calls

call document
call document

Does your partner not answer your calls? Are you tired of hearing your voicemail telling you that you can speak after the “beep”? First of all, know that you are not alone in this situation.

Angry at his son's behavior ignoring his calls, a British father developed a mobile app named ReplyASAP literally in French "respond as quickly as possible" to remedy it.

The principle of application ReplyASAP is simple: in the event of no reaction during a call or upon receipt of a SMS coming from pre-registered numbers, like your spouse's, the phone is blocked until an answer is given.

Even better, in addition to blocking the screen, a ringtone starts automatically even if your partner's mobile is in silent mode or in vibrate mode.

Note that the app works both ways. You will also be forced to answer your spouse's calls. Practical for keeping your relationship alive! 😀

So that the application ASAP works, obviously both people must have it installed on their phone and “priority” numbers must be entered. In the case of an SMS, the sender receives a notification as soon as the message has been read.

However, it is not obligatory to use ReplyASAP only between couples, everyone can force someone to respond to them, provided they first convince them to install the application and play the game.

For the moment, ReplyASAP is only available on Android.