How to convert Word document to PDF?

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There are several ways to convert word document to pdf. The first is to use an online converter, such as Small PDF ou Free PDF Converter.

How to turn a Word document into PDF 1

You can also use a program like Adobe Acrobat ou Nitro PDF Converter. Finally, you can also use Google Docs ou Microsoft Office Word itself to export your document to PDF.

We'll show you how to use these three methods below. Finally, we will look at the reasons that may lead you to convert a Word document to PDF Format.

Convert a Word document to PDF with an online converter

To convert your Word document to PDF using an online converter, just select the file you want to convert and upload it to the website. Once the file is uploaded, you will be able to select various options for the appearance of your PDF, such as paper size and orientation.

Once you're happy with your settings, click the "Convert" and your PDF will be generated.
From a technical point of view, there is nothing complex.

Here are some online PDF converter:

Converting a PDF online is within the reach of a child. Only, you have to wonder why online Word document to PDF converters are free. Generally, they are paid through advertising that floods your screen at the time of conversion. But in some cases, you will be asked for your email.

Adobe Acrobat: a functional conversion solution

To use Adobe Acrobat ou Nitro PDF Converter, follow these instructions:

  • First of all download and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader program.
  • Then open the program and select Create a PDF in the main menu.
  • Click on Select files to convert to PDF. Then locate your Word document and click Open.
  • The file will be loaded into the program. Next, select the "File" menu, then choose Save as... A new dialog box appears.

In this dialog box, select "PDF" as the file type, then click Save.

 Your PDF will be created.

Microsoft Word or Google Docs: the easiest solution

Finally, to use Microsoft Office Word to export your document to PDF format, just follow these simple steps:

  • First, open the file in Word.
  • Then go to the menu File and select Export.
  • In the next dialog choose PDF in the list of file types.
  • Finally, click Export and your PDF will be created.

You can apply the same approach to Google Docs.

Be careful with this manipulation though. When you convert word document to pdf, the latter is no longer modifiable. This modification should only be used once you are certain that you have the final version.

Why would you want to convert a Word document to PDF?

There are several reasons why you may want to convert a Word document to PDF. One of them is that PDFs are usually more difficult to modify than Word documents. If you need to create a document that cannot be easily edited, PDF is the way to go.

Also, PDFs tend to have smaller file size than Word documents, so they may be easier to email or upload online. Finally, some people prefer the look and PDF usability to those in Word documents.

In addition, the extension PDF means in English "Portable Document Format". This means in French: Format de document portable. In other words, the PDF document is made to be sent. In fact, many people find it unprofessional to send a Word document.

Can we transfer an Odt document to PDF?

Yes. You can use an online converter, such as ilovePDF or SodaPDF. It is also possible to use a program like Adobe Acrobat or Nitro PDF Converter.

You can also install Libre Office itself to export your document in PDF format. We draw your attention to the fact that you cannot open an Odt document with Microsoft Word without prior conversion. For this, you must be equipped with the LibreOffice software, which is completely free and Open Source.

Finally, if you want to reverse the conversion direction and convert PDF to Word, please check this article: Comment will convert PDF to Word?