Chrome is arguably one of the most popular browsers. It far exceeds Internet Explorer and Firefox. In fact, he ...

Social engineering is a technique which consists of obtaining access or information to people without them knowing about it. ...

Yesterday a friend said to me: "Ahmed, I recently read your article on how to inject a backdoor with a USB key and ...

If we are to believe the caricatured portrait painted by the media, the hacker is a highly intelligent and desocialized being who ...

No business today is safe from hackers, and computer security is a concern for all business leaders. ...

DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web App) is a damn vulnerable web application written in PHP/MySql. She is light, ...

You suspect that your husband, family member or work colleague is reading your Facebook conversations or your ...

We often talk about application vulnerabilities concerning human error, in this article, we will see that vulnerabilities can also come from network protocols. ...

"Use a VPN", nowadays, we can read this phrase more and more on different forums and others ...

The Upload script allows the transfer of files from your machine which is the client to the site which is ...

Today all our information is available everywhere, this is why it is absolutely necessary to know the techniques used by hackers, ...

Malware is software developed for the purpose of harming a computer system. The word malware alone represents ...

Arul Kumar, an Indian security enthusiast recently reported an interesting vulnerability on Facebook that allowed him ...

A few days ago Edward Snowden, the former CIA collaborator, revealed the existence of a surveillance program called ...

DNSmap is an Open Source software under GNU GPL v2 license which allows to recover the subdomains attached to a ...

Every year thousands of accounts are hacked. The current targets of hackers concern large sites with high traffic such as ...