9 energy vampires that will drive up your electricity bills

Recently, energy has become a subject that causes a lot of tension. Between rising bills and the risk of electricity cuts, we will have to change our consumption habits.

When we talk about this subject, we are then tempted to say to ourselves that it is something that we do not necessarily want. Indeed, making concessions is never easy. But what if we told you that with a few simple actions, you can save money.

The idea is toeliminate so-called energy vampires. The idea is that these vampires “suck” electricity even when you are not using them. In this article, we present nine common ones to you, as well as how to fight against them.

Turn off the televisions

The first energy vampire is the television and this in two ways. The first is simply to stop leaving the television on in the background when you're not actively watching it. Everyone has already done it.

However, not only is the usefulness of this practice limited, but it is also expensive in terms of electricity. The other important point is to turn off your television when you no longer use it. Basically, televisions now go into standby mode instead of turning off and therefore continue to consume electricity, making them the first of our energy vampires.

Lights, one of the main energy vampires

The other point where we can say that everyone had to let go is that of light. Indeed, often it is not that we want to consume more, but we simply forget to turn off the light in a room when leaving it.

The problem is that it is extremely energy intensive in terms of electricity and even if you have opted for bulbs that consume less energy, it makes a difference on your electricity bill.

Remember to turn off your internet box

The following advice for fighting energy vampires is applied by few people, quite simply because you may not be aware of it. THE internet box consume a lot of electricity throughout the day.

However, if turning them off when you are at home is obviously not a solution, it is different when you leave your house or even at night when you are not going to need the internet anyway since you are sleeping .

Computers, everyday energy vampires

Continuing with our energy vampires in terms of IT, too many people leave their computer on all night if they are a desktop PC or leave their laptop plugged into the mains.

This obviously consumes power, even if they go to sleep and as with the box, you are absolutely not going to use them overnight. It is therefore better to cut them off when you go to bed.

Battery chargers, a common oversight

battery chargers, let's talk about it ! Indeed, you surely have plugged in chargers a bit at home where you can put your laptop when the battery drops too low.

However, the reflex that everyone has is precisely to simply unplug their cell phone once it is charged. The problem is that the charger will continue to consume part of the energy, even when no device is on it.

Prefer the Eco program of your washing machine

Another simple way to save energy and therefore money is to use the Eco programs that we see flourishing on recent washing machines and whose principle is simple.

Washing time is longer, but it uses less energy and less water. So, you make real savings and if you combine this with potential off-peak hours on your contract, you will see the difference.

Do not run your machines empty!

Washing machines or dishwashers are generally machines that are real energy vampires, even if you make sure to run eco programs as we have just advised you.

So, even if it means using energy, you might as well make sure that this is done for a machine that is very full. So don't hesitate to push it back a little if there is still room. You will surely hardly notice the difference and this will save you money.

Set the hot water tank temperature

Hot water is important, but it is also a large consumer of electricity via hot water tank. However, you should not do anything without risking bacterial proliferation.

The idea is therefore to lower the temperature of the water, but never below 55° which is the limit below which you can start to see a proliferation of bacteria and therefore problems.

Manage your heating to avoid energy vampires

Finally, the last big energy vampire is heating which is also essential, but which can be managed to reduce your bill. For example, we will advise you to lower the temperature a little when you are not there.

Don't lower it too much, otherwise it will take a lot of heat to get back up and you won't gain anything. However, lowering 2 or 3° at the start can save you a lot of money at the end.


There you go, you know more about what we call energy vampires, which without you really realizing it cause your electricity bill to rise as the months go by.

From now on, you have all the tools in your possession to ensure that sustainably reduce your footprint on the planetas well as your electricity bill by making a few small, uncomplicated gestures.

Although this may seem a little restrictive at first, when you get used to it, you will see that it will come naturally and especially when you see your bill, you will be very happy to have taken these steps!